Lay latex
A luxury mattress with a combination of Natural Latex, Memory foam & HD PUF
Usage: For soft & extra comfort use can be used by young & middle age group.
- Adjusts perfectly to your body shape
- Available in selected
- Quick bounce back action designs & colours
- High density
- EPR Technology (Equal pressure Relaxation)
- Superior thermal qualities
- International quality knitted fabric, quilted with super soft fiber layers
- All side use
- Guarantee/Warranty 7 years
*All image shown here are for illustration purpose only.
*Actual product image may vary.




Technical Assitance
Mattress Care Tips
- Rotate your mattress every 3–6 months for evenness.
- Flip your mattresses if its dual use for every quarter of year.
- Use a mattress protector to keep it clean and free from stains.
- Avoid jumping and folding of the mattress to preserve its shape.
- Keep the mattress in flat surface for proper support.